A rose by any other name...
So what's with the blog name? Well, if I were any animal, I would be a magpie: easily distracted, constantly "collecting" random crap, and if it's sparkly... forget it, I've lost all track of what I was originally doing.I did spend an inordinate amount of time trying to name this puppy. More time than I can usually concentrate on one task, but this is an important, life-altering decision! The wrong name would result in Blog-Chaos! Anarchy! Utter Messiness!! Originally, I was going to use one of those name formulas that we had so much fun with in High School to come up with a name... but those seemed too hard to remember, and my Porn Star name turned out to be entirely dirtier than I was willing to be stuck with.
So I tried to think of phrases I say alot, but "Bite me" was neither original nor available :D Other than that, I apparently have no regular sayings.
Sooo... I started to think about the kind of person I am: crafty (I can make stuff), a reader (I've either read it or I want to), a traveler (I've either been there, or I want to go), a collector (patches, playing cards, postcards, etc), curious, messy to the point of disaster, and irritatingly short on attention. And I have on occasion referred to myself as being "like a magpie" as I'm being distracted by a sparkly fun thing. Lo and behold, I had stumbled upon my blog name.
And my porn star name? "Muffin Burns". Bwaahahahaaa!!!
Want to find out your porn star name? Read on... By the way, I "borrowed" these from http://bluearden.blogspot.com/ I hope that's ok, dude :)
YOUR PORN STAR NAME:(Name of first pet + Street you grew up on)
Muffin Burns (heehee)
YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME:(Name of your favorite snack food + Grandfather's first name)
Pretzel Luther (hmmm...)
YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME:(First word you see on your left + Favorite restaurant)
Sanyo Panera (sounds like a weird crossover brand)
EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS:(Favorite Spice + Last Vacation Spot Visited)
Thyme Vegas (I kinda like this one, if I ever write a book this'll be my pen name)
DETECTIVE ALIAS:(Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Went to High School)
Kitten Southern (porn star again!)
SOAP OPERA ALIAS:(Middle Name + First Word you see on your Right)
Claudine Spring (ironically, I was going to be named Spring, but I was born in the middle of summer)
1 comment(s):
Hey Heather! Have you ever gone to MY blog? Sadly not updated in a while but check it out at http://hatingoctober.blogspot.com/
Hopefully I will get some new stuff up there soon and then you and I can check up on what each other are thinking and doing. As that Guiness guy says... "Brilliant!" :)
Damosbird, at
8:41 AM
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