I been learnin' stuff!
If nothing else, this blog has encouraged me to keep up with my current events. I've been reading ALL of the newspaper every day instead of just picking up the pop culture/Dear Abby/comics section, all so I can have interesting topics to post here.So what have I decided to talk about today? Is it the ridiculously overblown uproar over those Danish Muhammad cartoons? How about the recent passing of Coretta Scott King? Or the death of Betty Friedan, whose book "The Feminine Mystique" was so influential in the fight for women's rights? I even started an entry on Bush's recent State of the Union address, but I just couldn't find it in myself to be interested for more than 3 minutes. But I eventually found a subject that was well worth my time and this space. A subject of more than passing fancy, of earth-shattering consequence, of total personal amusement.
Yes. William Shatner. What has. The king of halting. Speech and self-depricating humor done that is so astonishing? Bill passed a kidney stone. Eeewww... But the really interesting thing is that he decided to auction it off. No, I take that back. The REALLY interesting thing is that someone actually bought that sucker. For the total sum of... are you sitting down... $75,000 (one source said $25,000, but either is entirely too much)!! Okay, so the money goes to charity (Habitat for Humanity), but... c'mon! If you have an extra 75 grand just burning a hole in your pocket, then I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands. Granted, I don't have a nifty cool kidney stone to give you in return, but I could scrounge up a cool lock of hair. Or some fingernail clippings. Ooh! I've got it! I've been fighting off a sinus infection for almost four months, and it's finally breaking up, so you can just imagine the interesting sort of things that I could... um... produce ;) All well worth your gobs of spare change!
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