Spring break sucks.
I never thought that I would consider Easter Vacation (aka Spring Break to you young'uns) anything but a wonderful time of freedom and sleep. I've never been much of a party animal, so I always did alot of sleeping on my breaks.But as a sub... spring break sucks my big toe. Not only is there no chance of earning any income during this week, but I was also out of luck during the past 2 weeks, too. You see, no "real" teacher takes time off right before a big break.So I went from working every day (Yay!!) to not working at all (Hiss...booo...).
So during my *ahem* downtime, I thought I'd recount some of the things that have happened in Sub-Land recently:
Let's see.. there's the always popular "Tornado Drill" that occurred at the Elementary school. I must admit that the kids were great, because I didn't have a clue what was going on. All I know is that a weird siren went off (my ingrained American-ness told me that it was NOT a fire alarm), and, in the middle of my "What's that?", I looked around to find all the kiddies in a PERFECTLY QUIET, STILL LINE. You could have knocked me over with a feather. One of the dears whispered "tornado drill" to me as she passed by on the way out the door. Then they all solemnly knelt on the floor, put their hands over their heads, and stuck their butts in the air.
Now. As great as they had been during that incident, they had been little heathen children before that... so my question is: How does a teacher resist the temptation of all those proffered backsides? Really. How do you not give out a smack or two? Just once. And only if they really deserve it... ;)
Then there was the "Drug Raid" at the High School. Yes, you read that right... we were sequestered for entirely too long in a little room while loads of police officers searched lockers and cars with dogs. Now, this would not have been very interesting if it weren't for the fact that the room I was in had a direct view of the parking lot. So I couldn't get the students away from the drama unfolding outside. So I gave up. I let them all stand there with their noses pressed against the glass. Every once in a while one of them would turn around and give me an excited update about the goings-on:
"I think they found something!"
"They should check ____'s car. I KNOW they'd find stuff in there!"
"Is that a gun?"
"See that cop right there? He's bad*ss. The rest of 'em are dorks."
And so on and so forth. The funny part was that as soon as we were allowed to release the students to change classes... there was a mass exodus to the parking lot. Yep, some of the darlings decided to run out and move their cars before they could be caught... when, in reality, all they did was draw attention to themselves. They might as well have shouted, "Over here! Search my car!!!" Needless to say, they were followed, searched, and prosecuted. I know this shouldn't be amusing, but it is. I can't help it :)
And last but not least... there was the class without a class. I was sailing through a pretty successful sub day at the High School (frustration, but nobody was bleeding or throwing up) when the bell rang and I had no students. I checked the schedule... a small class of about 8, but there should have been people there. So I did a little calling around, and... every blessed one was absent for one reason or another. All of them. I actually had a free period! I don't think I'd had one up to that point, because I've discovered that teachers' "free periods" are anything but. They are filled with hall monitor duties, lunchroom duty, random kids dropping by for a chat, etc. But I actually had a huge chunk of time to myself! I read, I surfed the internet, I watched teachers rush past my door and shoot me nasty looks of envy. It was great.
However, I have now had enough "free time" to suit me for a while. Now I want to work. I feel a little guilty waiting for someone to get sick so I can sub for them... but here's hoping!
1 comment(s):
Don't smack the kiddies! They didn't mean it! LOL
This past week a student at Damo's school knocked a urinal off the wall causing loads of damage. Come smack his butt! :)
Damosbird, at
3:05 PM
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