Touristy Tourists.
Y'know, I used to be disdainful of all the fannypack-wearing, sunvisor-sporting tourist pack (oh yeah, and those lovely document pouches that hang around your neck for easy passport access at the airport). I hated them. They were an embarrassment to those of us who were so careful to try and immerse ourselves in a country, who made an effort NOT to look like a touristy shlub. But the older I get, the more... well... willing I am to look like an idiot in the name of comfort. Total cheapness (and therefore "authenticity") is no longer the most important aspect of travelling.For example, earlier today I found it well worth the extra £3 to ride closer to the hostel rather than have to trek there on foot. Notice that I did however say "hostel". Cheap is still a good thing!
I've also noticed that things hurt alot more than the last time I was in England. My feet hurt. My knee hurts. I feel the need for a nap. These are all recent developments. I am officially the dreaded and much-ridiculed Old Backpacker.
I even own one of those document pouches with the neck strap.
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