The Best Day Ever
You know what I love about subbing in High School? I'd like to say that it's seeing the teenagers' faces light up with understanding after a particularly brilliant explanation, or their joyful expressions when they see that they have me as a sub, or even when they manage to remember that my name isn't actually "Miss Substitute Teacher-Lady" or "Hey, Don't You Drive The Basketball Team Bus?"It would be closer to the truth to say that what I like best about High School subbing is seeing the teenagers' faces go blank when they realize that I actually am smarter than they are, or their first bumbling attempts at having a conversation without using "Duh", ""Whatever", or any number of profanities. But that wouldn't be the truth. The truth is even shallower.I love subbing in High School because most of the teachers have planning periods, or as I like to call them, Nap Times. I understand that this is a necessary time for Real Teachers to organize their stuff, grade papers, go to the restroom, or have a nice little cry, but since I don't have planning to do (the pottying and crying are another matter), I get to have some free time.
Last week I had the best time ever. This particular teacher had a planning period, lunch, and a Journalism class that as far as I could tell involved letting 10 students wander off to do their own thing. So I had roughly three and a half hours to myself. THREE AND A HALF HOURS, people! I ate my lunch, I read my book, I wandered the halls trying to look nonchalant as I went in search of a particularly handsome single male teacher (Stalker? Me? What?!?), and I surfed the internet. Yep. All in all, a very productive day.
I even found that with a little creative rationalization, I could give myself an imaginary payraise:
8 Hrs
-3.5 Hrs
4.5 Hrs Actual Time Worked
Crappy Daily Pay / Actual Time Worked = Not So Crappy Hourly Rate
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