Sub-Sister: Adventures in Substitute Teaching

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Best Day Ever

You know what I love about subbing in High School? I'd like to say that it's seeing the teenagers' faces light up with understanding after a particularly brilliant explanation, or their joyful expressions when they see that they have me as a sub, or even when they manage to remember that my name isn't actually "Miss Substitute Teacher-Lady" or "Hey, Don't You Drive The Basketball Team Bus?"It would be closer to the truth to say that what I like best about High School subbing is seeing the teenagers' faces go blank when they realize that I actually am smarter than they are, or their first bumbling attempts at having a conversation without using "Duh", ""Whatever", or any number of profanities. But that wouldn't be the truth. The truth is even shallower.

I love subbing in High School because most of the teachers have planning periods, or as I like to call them, Nap Times. I understand that this is a necessary time for Real Teachers to organize their stuff, grade papers, go to the restroom, or have a nice little cry, but since I don't have planning to do (the pottying and crying are another matter), I get to have some free time.

Last week I had the best time ever. This particular teacher had a planning period, lunch, and a Journalism class that as far as I could tell involved letting 10 students wander off to do their own thing. So I had roughly three and a half hours to myself. THREE AND A HALF HOURS, people! I ate my lunch, I read my book, I wandered the halls trying to look nonchalant as I went in search of a particularly handsome single male teacher (Stalker? Me? What?!?), and I surfed the internet. Yep. All in all, a very productive day.

I even found that with a little creative rationalization, I could give myself an imaginary payraise:

8 Hrs
-3.5 Hrs
4.5 Hrs Actual Time Worked

Crappy Daily Pay / Actual Time Worked = Not So Crappy Hourly Rate


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