Bored bored borrrrrred
I have recieved no sub calls this week, or last week for that matter. What is wrong with these people? Don't they get sick?!? So in lieu of actually being a productive member of society, I have turned into The Incredible Sleeping Woman.It's a sloth!
It's a chaise lounge!
NO! It's Sleeping Woman!!
Da daa daaaa!!!!
You might be thinking that I exaggerate, that I can't really have been as lazy as all that, but I assure you that I have been living an utterly and totally couch-potato-like existance. I've surfed the internet, read loads and loads of blogs (there are some real weirdos out there!), and watched every episode of Law & Order (even SVU and CI) known to man. OK, so I do occassionally get off my butt to run errands, but all this accomplishes is to bring me in contact with students, former students, and parents of students who ask me about my *ahem* "teaching career". This of course only serves to depress me, sending me running back to my precious couch where I channel surf until I find yet another episode of L&O.
It's a viscious circle.
To break this personal Catch-22 I will soon be beginning a new job. Are you ready? Starting next month, in addition to subbing I will also be a...
Bus Driver. Woo Hoo!
Frightening? I think so, but I figure that it's a steady paycheck, I'll have even more to write about, and if the little snots get on my nerves too much I can just put them out on the side of the road. Now, don't be sending me hate mail about the safety of our children. I'll be driving High Schoolers and I know full well that those people are able to fend for themselves out in the wild.
Stay tuned...
2 comment(s):
I haven't had any calls this year either, but I'm filling my time teaching at the local community college and volunteering with the 5th grade band.
When you don't get any calls, you begin to wonder if you're still on the list...
Anonymous, at
4:56 PM
hi chica, thanks for posting over my way. Hmmm, I think I would draw blood to be able to sleep and lie around, however, I want all your juicy venting details, so I'm crossing my fingers that you'll get the call soon. I'm starting to feel a tickle in my truth, so I know the rest of the profession can't be far behind. :)
directress, at
9:22 PM
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