Ernesto Blew
Actually, he did more raining than anything. Hard rain. Rain that kept me awake all night long. Stupid rain.For anyone who's managed to miss the joy, we here on the east coast of the U.S. have had our first tropical-storm-could-grow-up-to-be-a-hurricane of the season. These little squalls are always fun to watch. The news crews go absolutely berserk and panicky, even the local crews who should know better by now, the locals wave 'bye-bye' as the tourists run for the hills, and some places had mandatory evacuations. The main point to remember is: The Tourists Left. Hallelujah!
This morning, I went to Food Lion and didn't have to play bumper carts with the 25 other people crammed into the same aisles, AND I got to pick the kind of cereal I wanted instead of having to take the battered box of Frosted Wheaty-O's that happened to be the only thing left on the shelves. Bliss.
Truthfully, there was only one downside to Ernesto (and there's only one because it doesn't bother me to miss a night of sleep every once in a while), and it was that I missed a day of work. The schools had to close due to the copious amounts of rainwater flooding the streets. Heck, my house had a moat. It was cool.
But I missed a sub-day! My first day as a Middle School sub. I was looking forward to it... and the money. Yep. Ernesto blew.
1 comment(s):
Love to all........
Angel Feathers Tickle Me, at
11:17 PM
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