The Bestest Kid In the World!
Now I don't know about the rest of you subs out there, but I read all the stuff that kids turn in to their teacher. This is how I keep myself occupied, and also how I get to know the kids a little better. I used to feel guilty about this, like I was invading the kids' privacy or something, but I soon got over that. In fact, now not only do I read the students' work, I read whatever strikes my fancy in the room, and I go through the teacher's desk. Real Teachers Be Warned... because I'm fairly certain that all other subs do this.Anyway, I was subbing for a middle school computer class where the students had to design and print a flyer that listed why they were The World's Best Kid. Now, ignoring the fact that not a single one of these kids knew to put the apostrophe in "World's", I was pretty impressed. Most of these people think pretty highly of themselves. There was alot of:
Then there were the amusing:
I'm weird
I rarely get in trouble
I have long hair (LOL)
But my favorite flyer was from a kid who apparently knew her shortcomings. She wrote, and I quote: I hardly ever lie unless I'm in big trouble and my parents ask me why I did something and then I can stretch the truth a little.
And that's why I'm The World's Greatest Kid!
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