Sub-Sister: Adventures in Substitute Teaching

Friday, April 13, 2007

Blogging Excuses

I'm so sorry I've been MIA! I do have a really good excuse, though. Really. You see, the dog ate my laptop.

I thought it was due next week?

Someone stole all my ideas?

No, I remember now. I got a new job. I will be an actual Real Teacher for the remainder of the school year. So over the Spring Break (which we old-timers always called "Easter Vacation" back in the day) I've been holed up in my new room playing catch up.

I have read novels, I have had acid-flashbacks over the Geography book, I have cleaned through eons of school-created dust strata, I have rearranged hundreds of National Geographic magazines dating back to the 1950's, and I have graded a pile of papers that teetered at an impressive 18"tall.

And... for the first time in my life, I have created full-on lesson plans. See, I've been busy.

As I want to teach full time, anyway, this is a great chance for me to get my feet wet. But this does mean that I'll no longer be subbing. And you know what? I'm actually going to miss it a little. I enjoyed getting to meet all sorts of different people, and the excitement of never knowing what the day would throw at me, and being wakened at 6 am with an emergency sub assignment, and being pulled out of the nice comfortable English class I had been planning on to cover the ISS kids who just sent their sub home crying.

Waitaminute. I won't miss any of that. I'll get to know where I'm supposed to be every day, and when I should be there, and I'll still never have to worry about getting bored... 'cause no one has EVER said that teaching is boring. :)

But this does mean that Sub-Sister will now be defunct. It isn't needed anymore. It has let me vent and share things that I thought might give you a chuckle, but I'm not a sub anymore. But I am a REal Teacher, and I'm sure that will provide more taht enough fodder for blog-land... if I can find the time to write. Try me here: Miss Teacher Lady, But give me a week or so to get all my ducklings in a row, OK?

I'll leave Sub-Sister up because I've put alot of time and effort into it. Goodbye and good luck, my dears!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Kinder Lists

I had a few sub days in a Kindergarten class recently, and I have a few observations to make. And just because I do love me a good list, I shall divide my experiences into list-form. You're welcome ;)

5 Not-So-Great Things About Kinders

1. They're always sticky.
2. The boys miss the toilet, and so you have to mop up little boy pee. Yay.
3. They'll tell you uncomfortable personal information about their homelife.
4. Trying to get them to go anywhere as a group is like herding drunken midgets. (Thanks Deb!)
5. They are at full-speed ALL THE TIME.

5 Great Things About Kinders

1. All of them want to sit beside you at lunch. You're an instant Rock Star!
2. When they hug you, they pat your butt. Which is just funny.
3. They always remember your name.
4. They ask you to "open" bananas for them.
5. They love you unconditionally simply because you're their teacher.